8 Oct
Šabatová večera pod holým nebom októbraOct 08 2021 05:45popoludnie - 07:00popoludnie54 Nagle Avenue, New York
Židovský život

Join us for our first community Shabbat dinner of fall 2021! Registration will take place in front of the Y, and the program will take place in the field next to the Y.

5:45 popoludnie. Registration Opens (in Front of the Y)
6:00 popoludnie. Children's Song Program (Next to the Y)
6:30 popoludnie. Šabatové požehnania a večera (Next to the Y)

Všetci sú vítaní!

Spoločensky vzdialené piknikové sedenie; bring a lawn blanket.

Kosher meals, with meat and vegetarian options for adults and children, will be individually wrapped from Riverdale Kosher Marketplace.

Registration for dinner has closed. To see if tickets become available, please email Mara Bragg at mbragg@ywhi.org.

Dinner Fees: $15 per adult; $10 per child, veky 4 do 12; No charge for children ages 3 a pod

If you already registered, but have yet to pay, please do so now here:

Možnosti lístka ( Children under 4 are free)
Indicate # of children under 4

Meals have been generously subsidized by PJ Library and the Y's Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life.

PJ Library @ the Y is made possible through a grant from PJ Library, program nadácie Harolda Grinspoona. Knižnica PJ posiela zadarmo, ocenené knihy, ktoré oslavujú židovské hodnoty a kultúru rodinám s deťmi od narodenia až do konca 12 rokov starý. Prihláste sa do knižnice PJ – bezplatne pre vašu rodinu – na ny.pjlibrary.org.


Pole vedľa Y, 54 Nagle Avenue, New York


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