20 oct
Solnechniy Krug @ the Y Virtual MET Museum Tour octubreoct 20 2021 06:00pm - 07:00pm
Vida judía

Did you know that Sol LeWitt didn’t paint his famous Wall Drawing at the MET? So, what did he do? He came up with the idea and sent instructions to the museum.

During our unique workshop, we will try to follow Sol LeWitt's instructions to create our own masterpieces of conceptual art.

Join us on our virtual tour of the MET museum, exploring Modern Art, learning about Jewish artists, and implementing new ideas.

Fee: Free, but donations are greatly appreciated. Visitar www.ywhi.org/donate to make a contribution.

Lo mejor para las edades de los niños 3 - 10, and their parents, grandparents, and caregivers.

Register to receive the list of items to prepare for the event and the tour’s Zoom link by sending your full name and the ages of your children to Zhenya Lopatnyk at ylopatnyk@ywhi.org.

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