19 Sep
Sukkot Family Fun Eis monatlecht Wäerter sinn an all eis Y Programmer verwéckeltSep 19 2021 10:30sinn - 11:30sinnRiverside Drive, New York
Jiddescht Liewen

Let's come together to prepare to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot!

Come any time between 10:30 an 11:30 A.m.

Activities include eco-friendly sukkah building project and other crafts, reading of PJ Library stories, learning about the lulav and etrog, special items for the holiday, a méi!

Register here for specific lawn location.

All Famillje wëllkomm! Bescht fir Kanner Alter 5 an ënner. Geschwëster si wëllkomm.

Please wear a mask (Alter 2 and above) and practice social distancing.

Bring a lawn blanket if you like.

This program is made possible through a grant from PJ Library, e Programm vun der Harold Grinspoon Foundation, and hosted by the YM&YWHA vu Washington Heights & Inwood, and the Y's Norman E. Alexander Center fir jiddescht Liewen.

PJ Bibliothéik schéckt fräi, Präis-Zouschlag Bicher datt jiddescher Wäerter a Kultur ze Famillen mat Kanner aus Gebuert feieren duerch 12 Joer al. Zeechen fir PJ Bibliothéik - op kee Käschten fir Är Famill - um ny.pjlibrary.org.

Fir Froen, please email Mara Bragg at mbragg@ywhi.org.

Benotzt w.e.g. d'Sichfunktiounen hei ënnen fir eng Klass oder Event ze fannen

Fort Tryon Park, Riverside Drive, New York


Konnt keng Streck fannen!

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