27 Aug
ShaJam with Tkiya Music (instead of Ukulele Shabbat) AugustAug 27 2021 09:30im - 10:15im
Zarokatiya Destpêkê (0-5)Jiyana Cihûyan

Update: Roja Înê, August 27, we will have ShaJam with Tkiya Music instead of Ukulele Shabbat.

Enjoy live music from 9:30 ber 10:15 im. in Fort Tryon Park, Cafe Lawn, and stay for a children's book swap with PJ Library. Bring a book to share, and look for one to take home.

Please register below.

Hemû malbat pêşwazî dikin! Ji bo zarokên temen çêtirîn 5 û bin, siblings welcome. Please wear a mask (age 2 and above) and practice social distancing. Bring a blanket and lawn toys, heke hûn bixwazin.

Hosted by the Y of Washington Heights & Inwood, the Y's Norman E. Alexander Alexander ji bo Jiyana Cihû, and PJ Library.

PJ Pirtûkxane pirtûkên belaş ên ku nirx û çanda Cihûyan pîroz dikin pêşkêşî malbatên xwedan zarokên ku nû hatine dinê dike 12 salî. Sign up for PJ Library to receive the gift of Jewish books each month – at no cost to your family – at ny.pjlibrary.org.

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