10 Ira
Ukulele Shabbat IrailaIra 10 2021 09:30naiz - 10:15naizRiverside Drive, DYCDren arabera, “mundu errealeko lan itxaropenak azpimarratzea da
Bizitza judua

Families are invited to join us for Ukulele Shabbat in Fort Tryon Park! Enjoy a musical celebration of Shabbat with live music, kantuan, puppets, and Shabbat blessings. The location is accessible to strollers.

9:30 - 10:00 goizean. Music

10:00 - 10:15 goizean. Schmooze

Best for families with young children, and open to families of all backgrounds.

We will transition to Zoom as needed with weather and seasonal changes. Register with Zoom here: https://bit.ly/YUkulele.


Fort Tryon parkea, Riverside Drive, DYCDren arabera, “mundu errealeko lan itxaropenak azpimarratzea da


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