Our Impact

Ukumiselwa kwi 1917, the Y is Northern Manhattan’s premier Jewish community center — serving an ethnically and socio-economically diverse constituency — improving the quality of life of people of all ages through critical social services and innovative programs in health, ntle, imfundo, nobulungisa kwezentlalo, ngelixa kukhuthazwa iyantlukwano kunye nokubandakanywa, nokukhathalela abo basweleyo.

Ngolwazi oluthe kratya, please contact:

kubhiyozelwa uSuku lweNkululeko
kubhiyozelwa uSuku lweNkululeko
212-569-6200 kubhiyozelwa uSuku lweNkululeko

Caring for Seniors

Responding to Crises


Youth Development

UkuRentwa kweNdawo yoKudlala yaBantwana yoMdlalo waNgaphakathi