YM&Washington Heights-eko YWHA & Inwood


In Judaism, the idea of remembering (zecher) is an important part of growth and moving on from certain difficult situations. As we remember the night of Kristallnacht , Azaroa 9, 1938, which permanently changed the lives of Jews in Europe, we must take the time to honor those who are still with us, those who lived through the terrible events of the past, as well as those who are no longer here.This month, the Y instituted thesafEtea project in conjuction with theUJA-Federation of New York social action month (Jewish month ofCheshvan), with purpose to ensure the safety of our members living at home. In the past year, one of our members, Eric Rosenbaum, had a tragic accident at home. It seems that Eric might have been making himself a cup of tea when his sleeve caught on fire. He had severe burns and died the same day. In thinking how to take a tragedy and try to prevent something like this from happening again, we developed thesafEteaproject, with the capital E for Eric (Ameriketara joan zen lehenengo. Lisel eta bere ama atzean geratu ziren aitak laster bien zinpeko aitorpena lortuko zuelakoan. Baina Lisel eta bere ama ez ziren inoiz atera. Ellen larrugintzan ari zen gizon batekin ezkondu zen). We have been able to secure grants as well as getting donations of electric automatic shut off kettles to distribute to our Center for Adults Living Well members to keep them safe at home.

The Y remembers and guards the Jewish legacy of Washington Heights. We thank those Holocaust survivors who shared their memories of the best and worst in humanity. Their strength and perseverance stand as an example to us all.

Please watch the video below by Roj Roordiguez, made in honor of the survivors and in memory of those who are no longer with us.

YouTube video

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Urtean sortua 1917, YM&Washington Heights-eko YWHA & Inwood (haiek) Northern Manhattan-eko judu komunitate nagusia da - etnikoki eta sozioekonomikoki askotariko barrutiak eskaintzen dituena - adin guztietako pertsonen bizi kalitatea hobetzen du gizarte zerbitzu kritikoen eta osasun programa berritzaileen bidez., ongizatea, hezkuntza, eta justizia soziala, aniztasuna eta inklusioa sustatzen duten bitartean, eta beharra dutenei arreta ematea.

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YM&Washington Heights-eko YWHA & Inwood


In Judaism, the idea of remembering (zecher) is an important part of growth and moving on from certain difficult situations. As we remember the night

Irakurri gehiago "