CALW Anozvipira achiratidza chitupa paYM&EHE

Ndinokutendai kune Vanozvipira Vanoita Kuti Zvirongwa Zviitike

Mamwe manheru aNyamavhuvhu vazhinji vevazvipiri vakaungana muhoro yakanga ichangobva kugadziridzwa yeY kuti vadye vachiremekedza..

Staff members hosted the event to acknowledge how valuable the Center for Adults Living Well @ the Y volunteerswork is to both the Center and the Y. With a pianist providing background music, the ambience of the sit-down dinner was delightful. Center Director Leah Ferster addressed the crowd thanking all for their outstanding service. Following dinner, each volunteer received a certificate of recognition and a gift bag. Volunteer Linda Roczowicz then stepped to the mic to tip her hat to the many ways that her fellow volunteers contribute their time and skills (read a transcript below). The evening came to a sweet close as the room made and enjoyed gooey s’mores.

Linda Roczowiczspeech:

As a volunteer myself, I am grateful to all those who volunteer their time and energy to the various activities that are offered here at the Y: the arts programs, mumhanzi, technology, hutano, exercise, trips, dance, crafts from bead works to knitting and quilting, discussion groups, front desk volunteers at lunch time, the milk ladies advisory board and committee… The Y volunteers give their time, enjoyment and kindness to the participants of the activities they teach.

From one volunteer to another, THANK YOU!

Nezve iyo Y
Yakasimbiswa mu 1917, iyo YM&YWHA yeWashington Heights & Inwood (Y) Northern Manhattan's premier Jewish community center - inoshandira nzvimbo ine hunyanzvi uye yezvehupfumi - kusimudzira hupenyu hwevanhu veese mazera kuburikidza neakakosha mabasa eruzhinji uye zvirongwa zvitsva muhutano, hutano, dzidzo, uye kururamisira kwevanhu, uku uchisimudzira kusiyanisa nekubatanidzwa, uye kutarisira avo vanoshaya.

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