Thank you!

Dear Friend of the Y,

While we continue to face uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, one thing is clear: Because of the generosity of our donors, the Y has been able to deliver hot, nourishing meals to Holocaust survivors and other older adults, provide emergency cash assistance to our neighbors in need, create a robust virtual event platform for members and the public, and tried to retain as many full-time staff as possible.

Because of our donors, the Y is a community of hope and care. We are able to do so much for our neighbors — to foster a better quality of life for people of all backgrounds and to quickly respond to the community’s ever-changing needs.

I’m proud to shareOur Commitment to Our Community Never Wavers, a recent post by Y CEO Martin Englisher on the Jewish Community Center of North America blog. This snapshot of the Y’s efforts during the pandemic is a testament to our donors, funding partners, and program participants’ commitment to our community and to caring for the most vulnerable among us.

On behalf of all those the Y servesyou have our deepest gratitude. 

Victoria Neznansky
Uffiċjal Kap għall-Iżvilupp u s-Servizzi Soċjali

Dwar il-Y
Stabbilit fi 1917, il-YM&YWHA ta 'Washington Heights & Inwood (l-Y) huwa ċ-ċentru ewlieni tal-komunità Lhudija ta ’Northern Manhattan - li jservi kostitwenza etnika u soċjo-ekonomikament diversa - ittejjeb il-kwalità tal-ħajja għal nies ta’ kull età permezz ta ’servizzi soċjali kritiċi u programmi innovattivi fis-saħħa, benessri, edukazzjoni, u ġustizzja soċjali, filwaqt li tippromwovi d-diversità u l-inklużjoni, u tieħu ħsieb dawk fil-bżonn.

Aqsam fuq Soċjali jew Email


Thank you!

Dear Friend of the Y, While we continue to face uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, one thing is clear: Because of the generosity of

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