YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood

Küsimise tähtsus

3. aprilli päikeseloojangul, Juudi pered kõikjal alustavad paasapüha, commemorating the story of the ancient Israelites being freed from slavery in ancient Egypt.

With Passover being one of the most celebrated Jewish holidays both in the US and abroad, the holiday marks its importance in Jewish culture and identity. Jewish families come together and celebrate with aSeder, literallyorder”. One of the most popular portions of the seder is theMa Nishtana?, või 4 Questions. At this point in the evening, traditionally the youngest member of the family recites the 4 questions aloud:

Why is this night different from all other nights?

1) On all other nights we eat bread or matzah, but tonight we only eat matzah

2) On all other nights we eat many vegetables, but on this night we eatmarror(bitter herbs)

3) On all other nights we do not dip vegetables even onceon this night we dip twice

4) On all other nights we eat sitting and recliningon this night we recline

It is by no accident that the custom has become for the youngest recite these four questions. It is important to teach at a very young age that the best way to learn, is to ask. How would we ever learn without asking“The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” —Albert Einstein
As we celebrate the holiday of freedom, we should all try to take a moment and ask not only to help ourselves, but to help others. How can we help our family, friends, and community members in a meaningful and impactful way? How can I use my resources to help others? How can I make this day from all other days?
Happy Passover!

Y kohta
Asutatud aastal 1917, YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood (Y) on Põhja-Manhattani peamine juudi kogukonnakeskus, mis teenib etniliselt ja sotsiaal-majanduslikult mitmekesist valimisringkonda-parandab igas vanuses inimeste elukvaliteeti kriitiliste sotsiaalteenuste ja uuenduslike tervishoiuprogrammide kaudu, heaolu, haridus, ja sotsiaalset õiglust, edendades samal ajal mitmekesisust ja kaasatust, ja abivajajate eest hoolitsemine.

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YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood

Küsimise tähtsus

3. aprilli päikeseloojangul, Juudi pered kõikjal alustavad paasapüha, commemorating the story of the ancient Israelites being freed from slavery

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