neediest_cases_2015: woman hugging her little boy at YM&YÉH

The New York Times Neediest Cases 2015

Thank you so much one more time for everything you did for my family , specifically for Sebastian.
Giselle Almonte

When Giselle came to the Y looking for a summer camp for her son Sebastian, we were more than happy to help. The Y’s support of the Almonte family had been chosen for this year’sNew York Times Neediest Cases”. READ THE WHOLE STORY AT THIS LINK.

The Y is proud to be recognized for our continued support of our community members, especially those in need.

Ngeunaan Y
Didirikeun di 1917, anu YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood (anu Y) mangrupikeun pusat komunitas Yahudi utama Manhattan Kalér - ngalayanan konstituén anu béda-béda étnis sareng sosio-ékonomis - ningkatkeun kualitas kahirupan pikeun jalma-jalma tina sagala umur ngalangkungan jasa sosial kritis sareng program inovatif dina kaséhatan., kasehatan, atikan, jeung kaadilan sosial, bari promosi diversity jeung inklusi, jeung miara anu merlukeun.

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