YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood

The Y Gives Back

In the spirit of the holiday season, The Y was honored to host UJA-Federation and Catholic CharitiesFeeding our Neighbors: An Interfaith Response. Close to a hundred volunteers from all over New York swarmed the Y to fill food packages to be distributed to food pantries and local Washington Heights Seniors. UJA CEO John Ruskay and Catholic Charities of New York executive director Monsignor Kevin Sullivan were on hand helping to pack and deliver food packages.

The Y is committed to supporting initiatives that better the lives of our local community members. To read a letter from John Ruskaykliki siia.

Y kohta
Asutatud aastal 1917, YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood (Y) on Põhja-Manhattani peamine juudi kogukonnakeskus, mis teenib etniliselt ja sotsiaal-majanduslikult mitmekesist valimisringkonda-parandab igas vanuses inimeste elukvaliteeti kriitiliste sotsiaalteenuste ja uuenduslike tervishoiuprogrammide kaudu, heaolu, haridus, ja sotsiaalset õiglust, edendades samal ajal mitmekesisust ja kaasatust, ja abivajajate eest hoolitsemine.

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YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood

The Y Gives Back

In the spirit of the holiday season, The Y was honored to host UJA-Federation and Catholic CharitiesFeeding our Neighbors: An Interfaith Response. Close to a

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