The Y Has Been Awarded The New York Metro Region Engagement Grant from PJ Library

We are so proud to announce that the Y has been awarded The New York Metro Region Engagement Grant from PJ Library for ourCooking with PJ Library!” program. “Cooking with PJ Library!”, headed by our Jewish educator Cyndi Rand has quickly become a success among our families. With this grant, we will be able to offer even more engaging Jewish programming for the entire community.

Read more about this prestigious grant here:

O Y -u
Osnovan godine 1917, YM&YWHA iz Washington Heightsa & Inwood (Y) je prvo središte židovske zajednice na Sjevernom Manhattanu-koje služi etnički i društveno-ekonomski raznolikoj izbornoj jedinici-poboljšavajući kvalitetu života ljudi svih dobnih skupina putem kritičnih društvenih usluga i inovativnih programa u zdravstvu, wellness, obrazovanje, i socijalnu pravdu, promičući različitost i inkluziju, i briga za one kojima je potrebna.

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