Inclusion_Champion_Award_2017 at YM&EVET

Y, Katılım Şampiyonu Ödülünü Aldı

Tüm çocukları güvence altına almak için kapsayıcı bir yaklaşım benimsemeye kararlıyız., regardless of ability or background, are given the exposure to meaningful opportunities to participate in all programs. The Inclusive Recreation Resource Center recognized that commitment by honoring us with their Inclusion Champion award!

This past fall the Y started working with the Inclusive Recreation Resource Center to strengthen our after school and summer camp programsability to promote and sustain participation by people with special needs.

The organization had this to say about the giving the Y their Inclusion Champion award:

The Inclusive Recreation Resource Center, a not-for-profit organization headquartered at SUNY Cortland in central New York State, has been privileged to work with several youth recreation agencies throughout the past year, including the YM&Washington Heights YWHA & Inwood. Together the Y and IRRC have partnered for a mentored inclusion coaching process to enhance inclusion in their programs from both a social and physical perspective. Because of the Y’s exemplary attitude and participation throughout the project, as well as their dedication to making inclusion enhancements to their program, the IRRC was proud to recognize the agency as Inclusion Champions.
We are honored to receive this recognition! You can learn more about our Inclusion Program here.

Y hakkında
Kuruldu 1917, YM&Washington Heights YWHA & Inwood (onlar) Kuzey Manhattan'ın önde gelen Yahudi topluluk merkezidir - etnik ve sosyo-ekonomik açıdan çeşitliliğe sahip bir seçmen kitlesine hizmet eder - kritik sosyal hizmetler ve sağlıkta yenilikçi programlar aracılığıyla her yaştan insanın yaşam kalitesini artırır, Sağlık, Eğitim, ve sosyal adalet, çeşitliliği ve kapsayıcılığı teşvik ederken, ve ihtiyacı olanlara bakmak.

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