EOY Blog Post at YM&IVA

Time is running out.

There are only a few hours left to make a year-end gift to help the Y support our vulnerable neighbors, turning desperation and sadness into hope and smiles.

Not only will you meet the deadline to be entitled to additional tax-deduction benefits under the CARES Act, every dollar donated to the Y — up to $50,000 — by midnight tonight will be matched by a generous special year-end matching gift from UJA-Federation of New York.

With the ongoing financial hardships faced by our community due to the pandemic, your support has never been more crucial.

Your matched gift will be doubled. When you make a charitable contribution by midnight, your gift could provide:

  • Double the hot, nourishing meals for Holocaust survivors
  • Double the emergency cash assistance for needy families
  • Double the rental assistance to combat eviction and homelessness
  • Double the winter coats and boots for children in need
  • Double the supportive services for isolated older adults
  • And so much more

Time is running out for your year-end contribution to be matched.

Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy new year.

Dwar il-Y
Stabbilit fi 1917, il-YM&YWHA ta 'Washington Heights & Inwood (l-Y) huwa ċ-ċentru ewlieni tal-komunità Lhudija ta ’Northern Manhattan - li jservi kostitwenza etnika u soċjo-ekonomikament diversa - ittejjeb il-kwalità tal-ħajja għal nies ta’ kull età permezz ta ’servizzi soċjali kritiċi u programmi innovattivi fis-saħħa, benessri, edukazzjoni, u ġustizzja soċjali, filwaqt li tippromwovi d-diversità u l-inklużjoni, u tieħu ħsieb dawk fil-bżonn.

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EOY Blog Post at YM&IVA

Time is running out.

There are only a few hours left to make a year-end gift to help the Y support our vulnerable neighbors, turning desperation and sadness into hope and smiles.

Aqra iktar "