და პერსპექტივები

Welcome to Toddler Exploration, a program for 2-3 year olds at the YM & WWHA Washington Heights & ინვუდი.

In Toddler Exploration, children explore and discover through structured play, gardening and nature appreciation, movement and music, stories and snack time. They gain socialization with peers, with the support of their parent/caregiver present during class, while learning the rhythms of a classroom. Toddler Exploration takes place on the Y’s newly renovated rooftop playground and garden, and follows the Y’s health and safety protocols.

The spring semester of this class is open to children born in 2020. The class is for enrolled students attending with their guardian or/caregiver. Class is capped at 10 ნეზნანსკიმ განმარტა, რომ დომინიკელი და ებრაელი თინეიჯერები თავად წერდნენ შინაარსის დიდ ნაწილს, with their parent/caregiver. Children must be two years old at the start of class.

Dates and time: Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9:30 რომ 10:45 ვარ (with arrival at the Y between 9:15 და 9:30 ვარ), from April 18, 2023 through June 1, 2023. There are 14 scheduled classes. In the event of weather or other cancellations, we will reschedule class for a Tuesday or Thursday following the last scheduled class.

The Y Early Childhood programs embrace families from diverse backgrounds and cultivate a connection to Jewish values and traditions.

If you have any questions, or need a copy of the Y’s health and safety policies for Toddler Exploration, please email Susan at sherman@ywhi.org

სიუზან ჰერმანი
ადრეული ასაკის ბავშვთა მომსახურების დირექტორი
Two Toddlers exploring at YM&ჰო


ჩვენი უახლესი ამბებისა და მოვლენებისთვის
