Ciarrocchi House

Quen somos: Values Walking Tour — April

O Y's Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life ten o orgullo de presentar quen somos: Paseo a pé de valores, showcasing local artists representing a different humanitarian value each month.

It is our goal, amidst a COVID-19 reality, to promote local artists and offer the Northern Manhattan community access to art. While normally we would like for this art to be shown on the walls of the Y, with the current COVID-related limitations, it is our goal to bring our local artists to the streets of our community.

Abril: Lembranza

Still Image from Workshop performance of Site: Yizkor Sichow, Poland

Still Image from the Video Installation Site: Yizkor, Incubated by LABA: A Laboratory for Jewish Culture, the Millay Colony and the MacDowell Colony

By Maya Ciarrocchi |

Maya Ciarrocchi is a New York-based interdisciplinary artist working across media in drawing, printmaking, performance, video, installation, and social practice. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, and she has received residencies and fellowships from the Bronx Museum of the Arts (AIM), LABA: a Laboratory for Jewish Culture, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (Swing Space), MacDowell, Millay Colony, New York Artists Equity, UCross, and Wave Hill (Winter Workspace). She received a Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant, a Film/Video Grant from The Jerome Foundation, and funding from The Puffin Foundation. In addition to her studio practice, Ciarrocchi has created award winning projection design for dance and theater including the TONY award winning Broadway musicalThe Band’s Visit. Ciarrocchi is the recipient of a 2021 grant from the Trust for Mutual Understanding and a Bronx Council on the Arts 2020 BRIO Award winner.

Curator’s Note By Gal Cohen  | 

A práctica artística de Maya Ciarrocchi fala con forza do valor da lembranza. A través da narración persoal, narración baseada na investigación, e cartografía encarnada, As obras de Ciarrocchi recrean o acceso ás historias de comunidades perecidas e lugares derrubados, explorando así a manifestación física e emocional da perda. Esta imaxe fixa foi captada a partir dun traballo de performance interdisciplinar en proceso: Sitio: Yizkor, conmemorando as comunidades xudías que pereceron durante o Holocausto. Entre o material fonte incluído, hai representacións arquitectónicas de edificios demolidos, mapas de memoria de lugares e figuras desaparecidas, e lembranzas en prosa obtidas dos libros históricos de Yizkor. Este mes, cando Yom HaShoah, Celébrase o Día da Memoria do Holocausto, O traballo de Maya resoa e invítanos a mergullarse na lembranza destas comunidades perdidas.


Polo rabino Ari Perten, Norman E. Director do Centro Alexander para a Vida Xudía

Renee Descartes famously opined, I think, therefore I am. Without taking too many liberties, we might reconstruct this statement to I remember, therefore I am, for who are we if not individuals built by our experiences. Indeed memory is so prized that we often utilize a multiplicity of tools to help us remember that which we deem important. These tools range from family stories passed down from generation to generation to the appointments booked on a google calendar to a social media reminder of a friend’s birthday. Memory is important and we regularly hold ourselves accountable towards remembering our past and the future events to which we’ve made obligations. Memory can be multi-sensory. The taste of a food, notes of music, and whiffs of scent can transport us to a distant past that suddenly becomes very alive in the moment.

Yet memory can also be false as well. How accurately is the past rememberedWhose truth is represented in this memory? Might there be other truths that distort or even change the event once remembered with such clarity. Such thinking opens up the possibility that the reality of the past might not be so rigid. We craft memories about what is important. Perhaps these memories speak more towards the person we aspire to become more so than the our recollected experiences.

Sobre o Y
Establecida en 1917, o YM&YWHA de Washington Heights & Inwood (o Y) é o principal centro comunitario xudeu do norte de Manhattan, que atende a unha circunscrición diversa étnica e socioeconómicamente, mellora a calidade de vida de persoas de todas as idades mediante servizos sociais críticos e programas innovadores de saúde., benestar, educación, e xustiza social, ao tempo que promove a diversidade e a inclusión, e coidar dos necesitados.

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