Summer Youth Employment Program for Older Youth

2023 Регистрация открыта

В этом году, SYEP Older Youth @ the Y will have two cohorts, cohort A and cohort B, and is 25 часов в неделю в течение шести недель с июля 5 по август 13 или июль 10 по август 20.

We offer a wide variety of work opportunities within different industry sectors such as Healthcare, Childcare, Retail, Food Service, Administrative, Социальные службы, Sports & Recreation, Customer Service, Media & Communications, and much more.

Подать заявку здесь, and choose Manhattan as your borough of choice and YM&YWHA Вашингтонских высот & Inwood (Young Men’s and Young Women Hebrew Association of Washington Heights and Inwood, Инк.) в качестве желаемого поставщика/работодателя из раскрывающегося меню.

Participants can earn an hourly wage and will be paid weekly based on attendance. Participants are paid with a debit card or with a Direct Deposit to a bank account of their choice.

Применить сейчас! For further assistance, контакт or call 212.569.6200 доб.. 237/265.

About SYEP Older Youth

The Y’s Summer Youth Employment Program for Older Youth (SYEP OY) является Департаментом по делам молодежи и общественного развития города Нью-Йорка. (ДИЦД) program that connects New York City youth between the ages of 16–24 with career exploration opportunities and paid work experiences each summer.

Каждый год, the Y welcomes more than 1000 youth to benefit from workforce development programs that offer hands-on exposure, paid internships, work experience, access to jobs skills training, and opportunities to develop social, civic, and leadership skills.

The goals and objectives of SYEP Older Youth are to:

  • Empower and prepare youth with money management (Кухонные рецепты Бабби, составление бюджета, открытие банковского счета).
  • Развивать социальные навыки, в том числе коммуникативные., критическое мышление, and problem-solving.
  • Enable youth to acquire good work habits and develop employment-related skills.
  • Understand career pathways and make decisions in career advancement.
  • Build professional networks.

The SYEP Older Youth model a six-week career learning experience. Participants will have worksite monitors assigned to them to ensure they are provided with support throughout the summer and process their timesheets/timecards, evaluations, and surveys.

Payment: The SYEP Older Youth participants will be paid $15 an hour for 25 hours a week during a six-week internship.

Older Youth Provider PIN: WPA226267

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