YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood

Y Family Trip to Eden Village Farm & Laager

Sunday April 19th   Be Me and Jewish Caravan are excited to invite you to a day trip to Eden Village Camp to make bread, literally from scratch. Eden Village is the first and only organic Jewish farm overnight camp nestled into 250 acres of beautiful Hudson Valley woods. They are excited to welcome the families of the Washington Heights Y to spend a day with our Jewish farm educators learning and playing on our farm! Come learn what it takes to make challah in our classic hamotzi lesson. We will harvest, thresh, winnow, grind, mix, and bake dough, watching the process from from seed to table. We may even bake it in our very own earth oven.

Cost per family – $10 dollars

Pickup at the Y – 9:30olen

Drop Off – 3:30pm

Lunch included

Y kohta
Asutatud aastal 1917, YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood (Y) on Põhja-Manhattani peamine juudi kogukonnakeskus, mis teenib etniliselt ja sotsiaal-majanduslikult mitmekesist valimisringkonda-parandab igas vanuses inimeste elukvaliteeti kriitiliste sotsiaalteenuste ja uuenduslike tervishoiuprogrammide kaudu, heaolu, haridus, ja sotsiaalset õiglust, edendades samal ajal mitmekesisust ja kaasatust, ja abivajajate eest hoolitsemine.

Jagage sotsiaalvõrgustikes või meilis

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