YM&華盛頓高地嘅尤哈 & 恩伍德

Y Family Trip to Eden Village Farm & 營地

Sunday April 19   Be Me and Jewish Caravan are excited to invite you to a day trip to Eden Village Camp to make bread, literally from scratch. Eden Village is the first and only organic Jewish farm overnight camp nestled into 250 acres of beautiful Hudson Valley woods. They are excited to welcome the families of the Washington Heights Y to spend a day with our Jewish farm educators learning and playing on our farm! Come learn what it takes to make challah in our classic hamotzi lesson. We will harvest, thresh, winnow, grind, mix, and bake dough, watching the process from from seed to table. We may even bake it in our very own earth oven.

Cost per family – $10 dollars

Pickup at the Y – 9:30是

Drop Off – 3:30下晝

Lunch included

建立於 1917, Ym&華盛頓高地嘅尤哈 & 恩伍德 (Y) 係曼哈頓北部首屈一指嘅猶太社區中心-服務於一個種族和社會經濟多樣化嘅選區-透過關鍵嘅社會服務同創新嘅健康計劃改善所有年齡段嘅人嘅生活質素-, 健康, 教育, 同社會正義, 同時促進多樣性和包容性, 照顧那些需要幫助嘅人.

