Eta Ikuspegiak

Sukkot: the Holiday of Joy
As Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur come to a close, Jews around the world immediately start preparation...
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Rosh Hashana -- On New Beginnings
Ask a mom-to-be what she's doing the day after her due date, and you might get a wry smile. She doesn't...
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Roj Rodriguez
In conjunction with our "Partners in Caring" Hannahren istorioa, the Y...
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Welcome Aboard!
With the start of a new year comes changes. Recently, the Y has made some additions to the Youth department...
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SYEP Nerabeei eta Negozioei Laguntzen Hirian
The Y continues to strive to be a center for local teens/young adults to learn and develop important...
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Creating Life-Long Relationships
This month, the Y says goodbye to another graduate social work intern, this time fom Colombia University. ...
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Celebrating Decades of Service From Our Staff
This month, we celebrated the accomplishments of two of our most beloved and long-standing staff members....
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The Y Joins others at City Hall to push for more autism services for families
On May 22nd, the Y and parents of children in our afterschool Kids Connection and Igandea Funday...
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Sosúa: a night of theater and film
 The Final Curtain call for Sosúa After 4 urteak, the revolutionary Sosúa production will...
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The Y: Providing Life Changing Experiences for our Intern
Last week, we saw one of our valuable graduate social work interns, David Huggins, leave the Y. ...
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Victory Day: Recognizing an Immigrant Veteran on Russia's Most Celebrated Holiday
             Since its inception, Victory Day has always been the...
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A Little Goes a Long Way: How One Girl's Class Project Helped Those in Need
As educators, every so often we are bestowed with the gift of watching the seeds we plant take root...
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Neskentzako Saskibaloi Klinika: Neskentzako Saskibaloi Klinika
 Neskentzako Saskibaloi Klinika?’ seems to be the cry of mothers everywhere to their teenage children....
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Celebrate Health Every Day!
Welcome to the Center for Adults Living Well @ the Y, where we CELEBRATE HEALTH every day with members...
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Celebration of Freedom at the Y
The official date for Passover, a seven-day festival, is March 25, and Jewish families everywhere are...
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Children and the Arts
Children are a treasure, a blank canvas open to all possibilities.As an artist, as their art...
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Lights, Camera, Flash Mob
As one of the city's ten Innovative Seniors Centers, model facilities for older adults, Roj Rodriguez erabiltzailearen argazkia Center...
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Making Learning Meaningful within the Y Preschool Classroom
When you visit our Y preschool classrooms, you will see our children busy at work, exploring topics...
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Salsa Run and Purim Carnival
Thank you for participating in the Purim Celebration and Salsa Run! Just like many Jewish holidays,...
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Sugearen Urtea: Txinako Urte Berria Wien Etxean
Ostiralean, otsailaren 8an, Wien Etxeko bizilagunak Txinako Urte Berria ospatzera gonbidatu zituzten. Considered...
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Celebrating the Birthday of Trees, TuBishvat: An Eco-Friendly Way to Bring in the New Year
Judaism has four new years in its ecclesiastical calendar, each marking a different milestone. Today...
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