Ka Perspectivas

The Y is Launching the Aging in Place Outreach Network
Upper Manhattan is home to thousands of older adults and Holocaust survivors. Many of them are struggling...
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Helping Thomas Thrive and Pursue Joy
Meet Thomas W. He’s seven years old. He’s a natural storyteller, has endless enthusiasm, and is very...
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Enhancing Lives Every Day
We know how much you care about your neighbors. We know how much you care about the Y. The Y is so...
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A Critical Lifeline
Mrs. R is an 85-year-old Russian-speaking Holocaust survivor who was born in Simferopol, Crimea. During...
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Local Holocaust Survivor Celebrates 100th Birthday
One of the greatest privileges we have at the Y is caring for local Holocaust survivors and helping...
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Xooknalo'obo' JLYC yojelo'ob chan CM ti' le Rosa
Le lunes, Abrile' 11, 2022, le tsolxikin Juvenil Judío-Latinx ti' le ka Guatemala mina'an u yotocho'ob (JLYC) was lucky enough to host Councilmember...
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CALW @ the Y Seder Returns
Le miércoles, Abrile' 6, 2022, the Y held a model Passover seder for Holocaust survivors and other...
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Sutk'esiko'ob a ti' jump'éel héroe utia'al le paalo'ob mayores necesitados ti' le localidad
“I don't know what I would do without my Y family. Wojéeltik ti' teen le áantaj, especially during these...
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Hanukkah: A Holiday for the Public Square
Hanukkah is a holiday regularly stuck between popular mythology and ancient history. When asking the...
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Thanks to Life
Thanks to Life, originally Gracias a la Vida, is a famous folk song, written by Chilean author Violeta...
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Investing in Tomorrow’s Workforce Today
Most people agree that investing in youth is important ...
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Congratulations, Michael!
Congratulations! On behalf of the Y’s Board, staff, and our entire community, we applaud Y Chief Operating...
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Helping Older Adults Age in Place
Older adults living in our community are struggling with food insecurity, social isolation, inaccessible...
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Yom Kippur: The Hardest Word
The traditional imagery of Yom Kippur is not subtle. On Yom Kippur, dressed in white, Jews abstain ...
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Rosh Hashaná: A Personal Lighthouse
During Rosh Hashanah, we are asked to shed the hubris of our accomplishments in pursuit of an honest...
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Le ma'alo'ob u muuk' laboral yéetel le empleo juvenil prosperan ti' le yéetel
Ka' jo'op' u pandemia continúa, ka láayli' k enfrentamos u k'iin inciertos tumen delante, the Y remains committed to workforce...
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Sonrisas, Guatemala mina'an u yotocho'ob ' mores, ka Asab!
Verano 2021 will be remembered by many as the time we were able to take giant steps forward in the post-pandemic...
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Le futuro jach brillante utia'al u Washington Heights yéetel Inwood
A medida u kaajil Nueva York bejla'e' enfrenta jump'éel futuro asab brillante, Táan k llenos alab óolal utia'al k kaajal, which has been...
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Helping the Most Vulnerable in Our Community
The Y has been a pillar of strength and hope for Northern Manhattan for more than 100 ja'abo'ob, but what...
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Máaxo'ob chan: Values Walking Tour — June
Le E normanda ti' le yéetel. Alexander Center for Jewish Life is proud to present the Who We Are: Values Walking...
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Addressing Mental Health Challenges In Our Community
Throughout the pandemic, the Y addressed the unique consequences brought on during this especially trying...
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