گڏو گڏ بهتر 2022/2023

The Y has been selected to participate in the Better Together program. Better Together is designed to encourage meaningful interaction between young and old. The Y is grateful for being chosen to participate in the Better Together program and looks forward to sharing with our community how this program positively influences youth. Northern Manhattan Middle School students and seniors regularly meet in a process of joint learning, conversation, and relationship building.

The Y’s Better Together program is meaningful and fun!

  • Students participate in monthly educational sessions to prepare them for interactions with their senior buddy.
  • Senior and student buddies meet monthly.
  • All participants will be invited to the Y’s Better Together activities and events.

Better Together is a program developed and operated by a well-respected national foundation.

Better Together Fall 2022 will begin on Sunday, نومبر 20, 2022.

For more information or to join, please contact Tamar Sharony, tsharony@ywhi.org

Click on the underlined dates to see upcoming events.

اسان جي ٽيم

يوڪلي شباب

Yes, we're still gathering — online — with our friends on Friday mornings. All welcome!
وڌيڪ سکو

بيبي جي باورچی خانه

Bubbie's Kitchen is a welcoming place, and there's room for all at Bubbie's table!
وڌيڪ سکو

فوٽ پاٿ نرسري ڪيمپ

اسان يقين رکون ٿا ته اونهاري هڪ خوشگوار وقت هجڻ گهرجي جڏهن ٻار راند ڪري سگهن ٿا ۽ انهن جي چوڌاري دنيا کي ڳولي سگهن ٿا, استقبال ڪرڻ, ۽ شاگردن جي مختلف برادري.
وڌيڪ سکو

Solechniy Krug @ the Y

For Russian-speaking families, but all are welcome!
وڌيڪ سکو