Better Together 2022/2023

The Y has been selected to participate in the Better Together program. Better Together is designed to encourage meaningful interaction between young and old. The Y is grateful for being chosen to participate in the Better Together program and looks forward to sharing with our community how this program positively influences youth. Abafundi baseNorthern Manhattan Middle School kanye nabadala bahlangana njalo ngenqubo yokufunda ngokuhlanganyela, ingxoxo, kanye nokwakhiwa kobudlelwano.

The Y’s Better Together program is meaningful and fun!

  • Abafundi babamba iqhaza ezimisweni zemfundo zanyanga zonke ukuze bazilungiselele ukusebenzelana nomngane wabo omkhulu.
  • Abangane abakhulu nabafundi bahlangana nyanga zonke.
  • All participants will be invited to the Y’s Better Together activities and events.

Better Together is a program developed and operated by a well-respected national foundation.

Better Together Fall 2022 will begin on Sunday, Novemba 20, 2022.

For more information or to join, please contact Tamar Sharony,

Click on the underlined dates to see upcoming events.

Ithimba lethu

Ukulele Shabbat

Yebo, sisaqoqana — ku-inthanethi — nabangane bethu ngoLwesihlanu ekuseni. Nonke namukelekile!
Funda kabanzi

Ikhishi likaBubbie

Ikhishi likaBubbie liyindawo yokwamukela, futhi kunendawo yabo bonke etafuleni likaBubbie!
Funda kabanzi

I-Footpaths Nursery Camp

Sikholelwa ukuthi ihlobo kufanele libe yisikhathi senjabulo lapho izingane zingadlala futhi zihlole umhlaba obazungezile ngaphakathi kwemfudumalo, ukwamukela, nomphakathi wabafundi abahlukahlukene.
Funda kabanzi

Solechniy Krug @ the Y

Eyemindeni ekhuluma isiRashiya, kodwa bonke bamukelekile!
Funda kabanzi