Introducing the Y at WHEELS!

The YM&YWHA of Washington Heights & Inwood is proud to present its newest addition to the Youth and Family Department: the Y at WHEELS!

Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School (WHEELS) is a nationally recognized public school in the Washington Heights neighborhood. WHEELS began their elementary school in 2014 and currently have Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, and, as of fall 2016, 2nd grades. WHEELS is unique in its dual language learners model with all classes taught in both Spanish and English.

The WHEELS partnership with the Y began in 2016 and has resulted in an innovative, social justice-minded after school program. The program integrates the neighborhood themes of Camp Twelve Trails, with its enrichment programming falling into four categories: Play (Sports and Physical Activity), Create (Arts, Music, and Performance), Discover (Science and Math), and Grow (Earth-Based Education). These electives are paired with a focus on academic instruction in literacy and math, extending the studentslearning by several hours each day. The highly trained staff ofthe Y at WHEELS After School Program model and encourage healthy socio-emotional behavior and use restorative methods to make each experience with a child a learning opportunity. The WHEELS and Y communities have come together around common values of diversity, curiosity, mentoring and citizenship to create an after school program unlike any other. Visitthe Y at WHEELS page to register or contact Ashlyn King ({safe_mailto(}) with questions.

About the Y
Established in 1917, the YM&YWHA of Washington Heights & Inwood (the Y) is Northern Manhattan’s premier Jewish community center — serving an ethnically and socio-economically diverse constituency — improving the quality of life for people of all ages through critical social services and innovative programs in health, wellness, education, and social justice, while promoting diversity and inclusion, and caring for those in need.

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