Kalubalen Shamayim

Cibiyar Y Norman E. Cibiyar Alexander don Rayuwar Yahudawa tana farin cikin raba muku Kalubalen Shamayim ga mutane na kowane zamani!

As we celebrate Jewish holidays and traditions throughout the year, we will explore vegan — plant-based — cooking with delicious recipes and discuss compassion for animals from a Jewish perspective, as well as plant-based alternatives to avoid food allergies. Converting traditional Jewish recipes to a plant-based version can be better for personal health and is better for the planet, while still being delicious and fulfilling. We look forward to having you join us for our delicious hearty plant-based cooking lessons and celebrations.

Each session will introduce a theme with a new dish. Recipes will be shared in advance.

This program is generously sponsored by:

For more information and questions about the curriculum and recipes, don Allah a tuntuɓi Cindi Rand, Jewish educator and creator of Bubbie’s Kitchen, a crand@ywhi.org.

Rabbi Ari Perten
Norman E. Cibiyar Alexander don Daraktan Rayuwa ta Yahudawa

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