MARCH: Nthe̲gi

Maffia Goddess Pose

Pose diosa (2018)
Silueta cortada tso̲kwa mano dige ar he̲'mi, 10"x 8"

Pose del Guerrero II (2018)
Silueta cortada tso̲kwa mano dige ar he̲'mi, 10"x 8"

Ya Jessica Maffia

Maffia Warrior Pose

Hñeti ar curador
ya Gal Cohen

Jawa infinitas maneras ar mbeni dige ar zänä ar 'bede ar 'be̲hñä, wa mäs xi hño ar zänä ar 'bede ar 'be̲hñä. Ar zänä xí inherentemente dige ar nthe̲gi; nthe̲gi nt'ets'i, nthe̲gi financiera, nthe̲gi pa, nthe̲gi ir propio komongu, nthe̲gi pa abogar ne xingu ra. Nu'bu̲ bí 'ña̲ni da Nina Simone Temu̲ significaba jár nthe̲gi pa Nunu̲, nä'ä bí dädi "hinda Ntsu". Nuna ar respuesta ar sorprendentemente resonante ja yá esencias tangibles ne fundamentadas., Ho̲ntho nu'u̲ nu'bu̲ ar gí beni jar interseccionalidad ya womxn ne ya factores añadidos komongu ar njät'i, nsa̲di, género, ne discapacidad. Jessica Maffia, 'nar artista 'bu̲i ne gí mpe̲fi jar Washington Heights, Gi japu̲'be̲fi propio jár ndo'yo komongu 'me̲ni ar da inscribe ár paisaje mbo.. Ja ya collages Maffia, crea siluetas jár ndo'yo da 'yot'e 'mai mfats'i ir posturas, komongu Warrior II ne Goddess Pose, bí añadiendo 'nar énfasis palpable jar wxmanhood. Ár 'bede ar arte xí lastrosa ir nge ar nt'udi ya 'be̲hñä hecha ir nge ya 'ño̲ho̲., pa ar 'ño̲ho̲. Hingi 'bu̲i xi hño bí regenerar ar 'bede ne mpe̲fi ja jár nthe̲gi visualizar, gi mö, ne 'yot'i historias womxn ya womxn, pa womxn.

Dige ar artista

Jessica Maffia is a visual artist born and raised in New York City. Ár 'be̲fi xi xi exhibido jar nga̲tho ir 'rangu̲di ne 'bu̲'bya o 'mu̲i ya Flat Files ar pierogi Gallery jar made Manhattan.. Maffia creó ar obra arte pa ya yoho sencillos músico Childish Gambino "Summertime Magic" i "Feels Like Summer". Ár exposición 'natho jar Denise Bibro Fine Art jar Chelsea wat'i 'me̲fa ár Nar dätä hño, dibujos lápiz fotorrealistas grietas urbanas ne residuos da producen superficies inesperadamente asyento. Maffia ge ar destinatario ar 13 becas residencia artística ne yoho becas ar Fundación Hells Kitchen. Ár 'be̲fi neki ja ya portadas ar he̲'mi filosofía Fabio Gironi., "Naturalizar Badiou: Ontología matemática y realismo estructural"ne ár ngäts'i he̲'mi poeta Firas Sulaiman, "Komongu ma thuhuu 'bu̲ 'nar señal equivocada". Ar instalación ar artista, Linternas pa ar 'mui xi hño, exhibió jar varios sitios jar nga̲tho ir 'rangu̲di jár respuesta jar ar 2016 elecciones presidenciales. Maffia trabajó vivo jar ár serie autorretratos jar Spring Break Art Show jar ar Märso 2018. 'Bu̲'bya xí mpe̲fi xkagentho jar 'nar serie retratos yá vecinos hingi humanos, nja'bu komongu jar ngäts'i ár serie., 'Ño ya Broadway: Señales jar 'mui ar sendero Wickquasgeck. Nuni xi esperando ár residencia artística jar United Plant Savers da hñethe ar 2021.


Ya rabí Ari Perten, Norman ne. Director ar made Alexander pa ar nzaki Judía

The concept of freedom is a foundational truth of the American ethos. In the Declaration of Independence, Ya fundadores ma ximha̲i afirmaron ar seki da ar nzaki, nthe̲gi, and pursuit of happiness. In our schools we regularly tell the story of those who emigrated to the US in hopes of securing freedom for themselves and their families. Even more recently, our nation has struggled as it has begun to face the troubling reality that freedom is not always equally applied.

Ngu jar mfeni jar, freedom is difficult. Does freedom suggest a freedom Ar wa 'nar nthe̲gi Pa? Though related the two applications are conceptually unique. Freedom from, suggests that one is no longer reliant upon or obligated towards another. Freedom to, indicates an autonomy in decision making. When we speak of freedom, ma Temu̲ nthe̲gi ga referimos? ¿Temu̲ ar nthe̲gi ar jár nthe̲gi ma creencia mäs na nsu??

A second complexity of freedom is based on the question of how does one obtain freedom. One approach suggests agency rests in the hands of the powerful — meaning that freedom can be granted but not achieved. A second approach asserts the opposite, freedom is not just physical but mental as well. As such, independientemente jar dätä hnini físico 'na, freedom can only be reached when one who considers themselves as free. This second approach is reminiscent of the work of the 20th century psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. Frankl, 'nar sobreviviente ar Holocausto, escribió jar ár 1946 obra autobiográfica Ár nthoni Temu̲ ir bo̲ni ar 'ño̲ho̲, "Nga̲tho ar tsa̲ da pats'u̲ga̲ 'nar 'ño̲ho̲, pe 'nar xka": Ar ngäts'i nthegi humanas: da 'ñets'i ar ngäts'i ar 'natho jar 'na conjunto dado nthogi., to choose one’s own way.” Having now lived a full year in which our physical freedom has been limited by COVID-19 Frankl’s words offer much needed comfort. How will you celebrate your freedoms this month?

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