Saluting Our Community Heroes

Может 17 — Может 23, 2020 is National Emergency Medical Services Week.

On behalf of everyone at the YM&YWHA Вашингтонских высот & Inwood, we share our sincere gratitude to all of the emergency medical service workers, first responders, healthcare professionals, and essential workers for everything they’ve done to save lives and comfort families during the pandemic and always.

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The Y is here for you. If you find yourself in need of access to food, mental health counseling, guidance with benefit enrollment, or other emergency services at this timeclick here to request assistance.

There is something for everyone atY @ ДомWe’re here for you, and we’re thrilled to be able to share some of the Y’s best activities, События, and educational programs with you online as we face these uncertain times together. We invite you to stay connected with the Y and our community. Join us from the comfort of your own home for our fun and inspiring online events.Click here to visit The Y @ Home

You can help provide critical services. If you have the capacity to give, this is the moment. Please consider making a gift to help ensure that we can continue to serve our Y family during the days ahead.Click here to donate now.

Создан в 1917, они м&YWHA Вашингтонских высот & Inwood (Они) главный еврейский общинный центр Северного Манхэттена, обслуживающий этнически и социально-экономически разнообразную группу населения, улучшающий качество жизни людей всех возрастов с помощью важнейших социальных услуг и инновационных программ в области здравоохранения., благополучие, образование, и социальная справедливость, продвигая разнообразие и инклюзивность, и забота о нуждающихся.

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