Inklużjoni u
Bżonnijiet Speċjali

Here at the Y, we celebrate all the diversity of our community, including its neurodiversity. We constantly strive to build a more inclusive, accessible, and accepting environment that embraces all individuals and seeks to meet the changing needs of children with varying degrees of disabilities and special needs. Our programs aim to support all children, so that they can participate and succeed in a variety of social and recreational activities.

Programm ta ’Inklużjoni

We believe in the power of recreation to bring together children of all abilities and backgrounds to play, socialize, and grow with one another.
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Inclusion After-School Program

The Y is committed to creating inclusive environments in both our afterschool program, Hudson Cliffs Baseball League, and summer camp.
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ASD: Il-Ħadd Funday

A free recreational program for children ages 5-16 with autism who are not receiving services funded by the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).
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Il-Konsorzji għat-Tagħlim u Servizz għal Popolazzjonijiet Speċjali (CLASSP) jipprovdi lill-istudenti tal-iskola sekondarja u tal-kulleġġ bi żvilupp professjonali sinifikanti u esperjenzi ta’ xogħol biex jibdew karrieri f’oqsma bħall-edukazzjoni, rikreazzjoni, xogħol soċjali, u l-psikoloġija.
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Inklużjoni: Kamp tas-sajf

Parti mill-missjoni ta’ Camp Twelve Trails hija li joffri ambjent inklussiv li jaħseb għall-bżonnijiet ta’ kull tifel u tifla. With dedicated staff that are trained to work with children of different abilities, we provide everyone a caring, safe, and engaging program.
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It-tim tagħna

Ingħaqad magħna

Aħdem għall-Y. Għamel differenza.