Inclusion and
Special Needs

Here at the Y, we celebrate all the diversity of our community, including its neurodiversity. We constantly strive to build a more inclusive, accessible, and accepting environment that embraces all individuals and seeks to meet the changing needs of children with varying degrees of disabilities and special needs. Our programs aim to support all children, so that they can participate and succeed in a variety of social and recreational activities.

Barnaamijka Ka mid noqoshada

Golaha Dhallinyarada Latinx ee Yuhuudda, Golaha Dhallinyarada Latinx ee Yuhuudda, Golaha Dhallinyarada Latinx ee Yuhuudda.
Wax dheeri ah baro

Inclusion After-School Program

Y waxaa ka go'an in ay abuurto jawi loo wada dhan yahay labada barnaamij ee dugsiga kadib, Hudson Cliffs Baseball League, Golaha Dhallinyarada Latinx ee Yuhuudda.
Wax dheeri ah baro

ASD: Axad Funday

Barnaamij madadaalada oo bilaash ah oo loogu talagalay carruurta da'doodu tahay 5-16 qaba autism-ka oo aan helin adeegyo uu maalgeliyo Xafiiska Dadka Naafada Koriinka ah (OPWDD).
Wax dheeri ah baro


The Consortia for Learning and Service to Special Populations (CLASSP) provides high school and college students with meaningful professional development and work experiences to embark on careers in fields such as education, recreation, social work, and psychology.
Wax dheeri ah baro

Ka mid noqoshada: Kaamka Xagaaga

Part of Camp Twelve Trails’ mission is to offer an inclusive environment that caters to the needs of each child. With dedicated staff that are trained to work with children of different abilities, we provide everyone a caring, safe, and engaging program.
Wax dheeri ah baro


Nagu soo biir

Shaqada Y. Isbeddel samee.