Supporting the Y is Easier than Ever!

With so many good causes to contribute to, we know it can be hard to decide where to give your charity dollars. But what if you could support your community agency without any extra effort, while doing standard tasks like shopping for groceries or electronics?

WithAmazon Smile, you can shop on Amazon like you normally do while contributing to the Y! There is no extra work or fees, just shop on Amazon and a portion of your purchase will be donated to the Y; it’s that simple!

Click here to start supporting the Y today!

Thank you for your support!

Fekauʻaki mo e Y
Fokotuʻu ʻi he 1917, ʻa e YM&YWHA ʻo Uasingatoni & Fefie (ʻa e Y) ko e senitā faka-Siu palemia ia ʻo Meniheiteni ʻi he tokelaú—ʻo ngāue ʻi ha keliʻanga kehekehe mo fakaʻekonōmika faka-socio—ʻo fakaleleiʻi ʻa e tuʻunga ʻo e moʻuí maʻá e kakai ʻo e toʻu kotoa pē ʻo fakafou ʻi he ngaahi tokoni fakasōsiale mahuʻinga mo e ngaahi polokalama mohu fakakaukau ʻi he moʻui leleí, wellness (wellness), akó, mo e fakamaau totonu fakasōsialé, lolotonga hono fakatupulaki e faikehekehé mo hono fakakau maí, mo tokangaʻi ʻa kinautolu ʻoku faingataʻaʻiá.

Vahevahe ʻi he ʻĪmeili Fakasōsialé pe ʻĪme
