Teens & Tweens (11+)

The Y offers a variety of programs for children ages 11 and older from after-school and inclusion programs to sports, holiday and summer day camp, e altro ancora!

Sii me
Programma doposcuola

Be Me is a community-oriented after school program open to students of all backgrounds in grades K-5. Our program offers a variety of activities led by experienced specialists and well-trained group leaders to make sure your children are safe, engaged, and happy.
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Y COMPASS High After-School Program at Columbia Secondary School ​

Serving students in sixth through eighth grades, the Y’s SONYC After-School Program at Columbia Secondary School aims to foster deep partnerships within the Columbia Secondary School (CSS) community.
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Special Needs Inclusion

Here at the Y, we celebrate all the diversity of our community, including its neurodiversity.
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Inclusion Program​

We believe in the power of recreation to bring together children of all abilities and backgrounds to play, socialize, and grow with one another.
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Dopo scuola

The Y’s SONYC After-School Program at Harbor Heights Middle School is a New York City Department of Youth and Community Development funded program that serves 90% studenti delle scuole medie, la maggior parte dei quali sono arrivati ​​di recente dalla Repubblica Dominicana e da altri paesi di lingua spagnola.
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The Consortia for Learning and Service to Special Populations (CLASSE) provides high school and college students with meaningful professional development and work experiences to embark on careers in fields such as education, recreation, social work, and psychology.
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domenica giorno di divertimento

Sunday Funday is a free recreational program for children ages 5-16 con autismo che non ricevono servizi finanziati dall'Ufficio per le persone con disabilità dello sviluppo (OPWDD).
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Hudson Cliffs Baseball League​

La lega di baseball delle scogliere di Hudson (HCBL) è un programma comunitario misto per bambini di età 3 per 12 di tutti i livelli di abilità che sviluppa le abilità di baseball dei giovani mentre fa amicizia.
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Mettersi in gioco

Mettersi in gioco

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