Te mau taure'are'a & Teds (11+)

The Y offers a variety of programs for children ages 11 and older from after-school and inclusion programs to sports, holiday and summer day camp, e te vai atu ra!

Ia riro vau mai ia'u
After-School Program

Be Me is a community-oriented after school program open to students of all backgrounds in grades K-5. Our program offers a variety of activities led by experienced specialists and well-trained group leaders to make sure your children are safe, engaged, and happy.
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Y COMPASS High After-School Program at Columbia Secondary School ​

Serving students in sixth through eighth grades, the Y’s SONYC After-School Program at Columbia Secondary School aims to foster deep partnerships within the Columbia Secondary School (CSS) huiraatira.
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Special Needs Inclusion

I ô nei i te MY, te faahanahana nei tatou i te rauraa o to tatou oire, tae roa'tu i to'na neuroidaersity.
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Inclusion Program​

Te ti'aturi nei matou i te mana no te faaanaanataeraa no te faatahoê i te mau tamarii o te mau aravihi atoa e te mau vahi atoa e ha'uti, faahoa i te taata, e e tupu i te rahi te tahi e te tahi.
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Te faaôraa:

The Y’s SONYC After-School Program at Harbor Heights Middle School is a New York City Department of Youth and Community Development funded program that serves 90% middle-school students, most of whom are recent arrivals from the Dominican Republic and other Spanish-speaking countries.
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The Araara no te haapiiraa e no te taviniraa i te mau huiraatira taa ê (PIHA haapiiraa) ua horo'a i te mau piahi no te fare haapiiraa tuarua e te fare haapiiraa tuarua i te hoê tupuraa faufaa rahi e te mau iteraa no te ohipa no te haamata i te rave i te ohipa i roto i te mau faaapu mai te haapiiraa, faaanaanataeraa, ohipa sotiare, e te ma'i o te ao.
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REO Ïa e vai ra i roto i te:
Mahana Arearea i te sabati

Sunday Funday is a free recreational program for children ages 5-16 e ma'i hiparoto (autism) o te ore e farii nei i te mau tautururaa tei aufauhia e te piha toro'a no te mau taata e te mau fifi i te pae no te tupuraa (OPSD).
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Hudson Cliffs Baseball League​

Te Totaiete o te mau pereoo uō no Hudson (HCBL) e faanahoraa amui no te mau tamarii no te mau matahiti 3 ia 12 te mau faito aravihi atoa o te faatupu i te aravihi i roto i te feia apî a faahoa noa ai ratou.
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Faaô ia outou

Paturu i te MDT

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