Ko Hai Kitautolu: Ngaahi tuʻunga ʻulungaanga mahuʻinga ʻo e lue

Exploring Values Through Art

Ko e Nomani E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life is proud to present the Who We Are: Ngaahi tuʻunga ʻulungaanga mahuʻinga ʻo e lue, showcasing local artists representing a different humanitarian value each month.

The Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life at the YM&YWHA ʻo Uasingatoni & Fefie (ʻa e Y) is inviting artists from Northern Manhattan to participate in an innovative community art project: Ko Hai Kitautolu: Ngaahi tuʻunga ʻulungaanga mahuʻinga ʻo e lue. Through this project, we welcome local artists to submit works of art related to a specific set of humanitarian values, taha ki he māhina takitaha ʻo e taʻú, ke fakakau ʻa e kolo ʻi ha fepotalanoaʻaki ʻoku makatuʻunga ʻi he ngaahi ʻaati fakamahina exhibitions.

Ko ʻEtau Timi

Lāpai Ari Pēteni
Norman E. Senitā ʻAlekisānita ki he Talēkita ʻo e Moʻui ʻa

Visit Our Virtual Galleries


— JUNE —
As a value, pride often exists in the extremes.
Visit Gallery


— MAY —
The Latin phrase nomen omen suggests that something’s name gives insight into its essence.
Visit Gallery


Renee Descartes famously opined, I think, therefore I am.
Visit Gallery


The concept of freedom is a foundational truth of the American ethos.
Visit Gallery


On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly ratified General Assembly Resolution 217 A, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Visit Gallery


Justice is at the center of the American myth.
Visit Gallery


Accepted submissions will be distributed throughout the neighborhood via physical posters, the Y’s website, and social media. The posters will include images of the artwork, the month’s value, artist name, and a short description about the artwork. ʻIkai ngata ai, each poster will have a QR code offering more information about the project, values, artwork, mo e kau ʻaati, as well as a link to the artist’s website and social media account. Lomiʻi heni to view a template.

We invite artists of all backgrounds to apply with relevant works of art for one or more of the monthly values. Lomiʻi heni to view the monthly values.

All chosen art will ultimately need to be submitted in high-resolution files:
300 dpi
• 8” x 10” / 10” x 8” (siʻisiʻi taha)

Ke fakaʻaongaʻi, please submit the following:
• Up to 5 high-quality jpeg files
• 5” x 7” / 7” x 5” (siʻisiʻi taha)
• Label each image: Lastname_Firstname_Value
◦ For example, Cohen_Gal_Pride
• A short bio, one paragraph of up to 100 words

We are accepting submissions through May 2021.

Please share submissions ko ʻeni. Kātaki ʻo ʻīmeili Gal Cohen with questions.

Header image by Values Walking Tour: Who We Are Curator Gal Cohen.

Fakamoʻoni hingoa

ki heʻetau Ngaahi Ongoongo mo e Ngaahi Meʻa Fakamuimuitaha ʻOku Hokó