Funding for Post-Pandemic Jewish Life in Northern Manhattan

Y's Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life is proud to offer Jewish institutions in Washington Heights and Inwood financial assistance to support local programming, as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding includes contributions towards new programmatic investments taking place between September 2021 and June 2022 — up to $613 for a single institution proposal and up to $1,800 for a joint venture between two or more institutions.

Proposals are due on September 15, 2021, and should include:

  • Institution(s) represented in the application
  • Names and email address for institutional representatives
  • Brief program proposal outlining the programmatic idea and goals (not to exceed 500 words)
  • Simple budget

Please email your proposal as a PDF to the Y’s Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life Director Rabbi Ari Perten at

Institutions may submit up to two separate proposals.

Funding recipients are required to submit a post-program report and have two lay leaders (or one lay leader and one professional leader) represent their organizations at a community forum on March 27, 2022, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Yog xav paub ntxiv, please contact the Y’s Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life Director Rabbi Ari Perten at

Tus Thawj Coj Txoj Haujlwm

Rabbi Ari Perten
Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life Director

Ukulele Shabbat

Yog lawm, peb tseem tab tom sib sau - online - nrog peb cov phooj ywg nyob rau hnub Friday sawv ntxov. Zoo siab txais tos txhua tus!
Kawm Ntxiv

Bubbie's Chav ua noj

Bubbie's Kitchen yog qhov chaw txais tos, thiab muaj chaw rau txhua tus ntawm Bubbie lub rooj!
Kawm Ntxiv

PJ Qiv Ntawv

Txawm koj yog niam txiv tshiab, tos me nyuam, los yog caum tus me nyuam me, peb zoo siab heev uas koj pom peb! Zoo siab txais tos!
Kawm Ntxiv

Solechniy Krug @ tus Y

Rau cov tsev neeg hais lus Lavxias, tab sis sawv daws txais tos!
Kawm Ntxiv

Israeli Cuisine
@ Tsev

Koom nrog Israeli Emissary Shani Aslan rau qhov kev lom zem no thiab ua noj kom zoo nkauj, raws li nws coj cov tsoos thiab niaj hnub Israeli cuisine rau hauv koj lub tsev.
Kawm Ntxiv

Shamayim Vegan Cooking Challenge

Y's Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life zoo siab los qhia rau koj txog Shamayim Challenge rau cov neeg ntawm txhua lub hnub nyoog!
Kawm Ntxiv

Footpaths Nursery Camp

Peb ntseeg tias lub caij ntuj sov yuav tsum yog lub sijhawm zoo siab thaum menyuam yaus tuaj yeem ua si thiab tshawb nrhiav lub ntiaj teb nyob ib puag ncig lawv hauv qhov sov so, txais tos, thiab ntau haiv neeg ntawm cov neeg kawm.
Kawm Ntxiv

Kesher Intergenerational
Friendship Initiative

Y's Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life zoo siab tshaj tawm peb Kesher tshiab: Intergenerational Friendship Initiative!
Kawm Ntxiv

Cov chav kawm thiab cov xwm txheej yuav los tom ntej