Funding for Post-Pandemic Jewish Life in Northern Manhattan

Norman E tal-Y. Alexander Center for Jewish Life is proud to offer Jewish institutions in Washington Heights and Inwood financial assistance to support local programming, as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding includes contributions towards new programmatic investments taking place between September 2021 and June 2022 — up to $613 for a single institution proposal and up to $1,800 for a joint venture between two or more institutions.

Proposals are due on September 15, 2021, and should include:

  • Institution(s) represented in the application
  • Names and email address for institutional representatives
  • Brief program proposal outlining the programmatic idea and goals (not to exceed 500 words)
  • Simple budget

Please email your proposal as a PDF to the Y’s Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life Director Rabbi Ari Perten at

Institutions may submit up to two separate proposals.

Funding recipients are required to submit a post-program report and have two lay leaders (or one lay leader and one professional leader) represent their organizations at a community forum on March 27, 2022, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Għal aktar informazzjoni, please contact the Y’s Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life Director Rabbi Ari Perten at

Program Director

Rabbi Ari Perten
Norman E. Direttur taċ-Ċentru Alexander għall-Ħajja Lhudija

Ukulele Shabbat

Yes, we're still gathering — online — with our friends on Friday mornings. All welcome!
Itagħllem iżjed

Bubbie's Kitchen

Bubbie's Kitchen is a welcoming place, and there's room for all at Bubbie's table!
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Librerija PJ

Whether you’re a new parent, expecting a baby, or chasing a toddler, we’re so glad you found us! Welcome!
Itagħllem iżjed

Solechniy Krug @ the Y

For Russian-speaking families, but all are welcome!
Itagħllem iżjed

Israeli Cuisine
@ Home

Ingħaqad mal-Emissarju Iżraeljan Shani Aslan għal din is-serje ta 'tisjir divertenti u Delicious, hekk kif hi ġġib il-kċina Iżraeljana tradizzjonali u moderna f’darek stess.
Itagħllem iżjed

Shamayim Vegan Cooking Challenge

Norman E tal-Y. Ċentru Alexander għall-Ħajja Lhudija huwa eċċitati li jaqsam miegħek l-Isfida Shamayim għal nies ta 'kull età!
Itagħllem iżjed

Kamp tan-Nursery tal-Mixjiet

Aħna nemmnu li s-sajf għandu jkun żmien ta’ ferħ meta t-tfal jistgħu jilagħbu u jesploraw id-dinja ta’ madwarhom fi żmien sħun, merħba, u komunità diversa ta’ studenti.
Itagħllem iżjed

Kesher Intergenerational
Friendship Initiative

Norman E tal-Y. Alexander Center for Jewish Life is proud to announce our new Kesher: Intergenerational Friendship Initiative!
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Klassijiet u Avvenimenti li ġejjin