Kesher: Mezigenerační iniciativa přátelství

Y's Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life s hrdostí oznamuje náš nový Kesher: Mezigenerační iniciativa přátelství!

Amidst these difficult months of COVID-19, many in our community are suffering from feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Kesher is designed to pair seniors and non-seniors in a relationship-building program through weekly phone calls and regular letter writing. Participation is open to both individuals and family units. Tools will be offered to assist younger children in their participation.

During the month of October and beyond, the Y family is exploring the value of kindness and launched Kesher to enhance kindness within our own lives and the lives of our larger community.

Pro více informací, please contact Y Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life ředitel rabi Ari Perten na

Programový ředitel

Rabbi Ari Perten
Norman E.. Alexander Center for Jewish Life ředitel

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Mezigenerační Kesher
Iniciativa přátelství

Y's Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life s hrdostí oznamuje náš nový Kesher: Mezigenerační iniciativa přátelství!
Další informace