Kategorija: Staff members

Martin Englisher

Martin G. Englisher has served as CEO of the YM & YWHA ta 'Washington Heights & Inwood (l-Y) since 1981. His visionary leadership has

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Michael Fermaglich

Y Chief Operating Officer Michael Fermaglich has been an executive staff member of the Y since 2001. In his current position, Michael oversees operations, including

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Victoria Neznansky

Victoria Neznansky, LCSW, chief development and social services officer at the YM&YWHA ta 'Washington Heights & Inwood, is a Jewish refugee from the Former Soviet

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Roxanne Parets

Roxanne għandha fuq 13 snin ta’ esperjenza ta’ ħidma fil-Kamp u Żgħażagħ. Bdiet bħala Counsellor fit-Taħriġ (C.I.T) u minn dakinhar okkupa bosta karigi

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Monalisa Tolbert

Monalisa Tolbert has dedicated her career in service to youth and families. She previously worked at the Harlem Children’s Zone for more than 20 snin, fejn, hija ddisinjat

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Kierstin Hettler

Kierstin huwa d-Direttur Maniġerjali taż-Żgħażagħ u r-Rikreazzjoni tal-Y, responsabbli għas-sorveljanza u t-tmexxija tal-programmi interni inkluż Be Me, inklużjoni, arrikkiment, litteriżmu, u l-isports.

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Susan Herman

Susan has been at the Y for the last thirteen years and has overseen the growth of our program for two, three, and four year

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Deborah Gross

Deborah Gross, LMSW, is the Program Director of the Hudson Community Project: Safe at Home and brings over 25 years of experience in the field

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Phoenix Madera

Phoenix Madera bħalissa hija d-Direttur tal-Programm ta' wara l-iskola Y @ CSS SONYC. Il-pożizzjoni preċedenti tiegħu fl-Y kienet Direttur tal-Programm tas-Sajf għall-Impjieg taż-Żgħażagħ

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Juan Mena

Juan Mena trabba f'Washington Heights, fejn attenda Park West High School. Fil-passat, Juan ħadem fi Golf Country Club u

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Ari at YM&IVA

Rabbi Ari Perten

Rabbi Ari Perten is excited to join the team at the YM&YWHA ta 'Washington Heights & Inwood as the founding director of the Norman E.

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Rodger Ramallo

Rodger, a certified personal trainer (NCSF), along with the Y’s fitness team offer you professional guidance and help you get the results you want, minn

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Laura HiRes at YM&IVA

Laura Sanchez

Laura has been the Assistant Director of the Early Childhood department for a total of four years. Her educational background includes a master’s degree in

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Joseph Sannella

Joseph Sannella ggradwa fi 2007 mill-Università ta’ Fordham b’BA fl-Antropoloġija. Huwa Maniġer tar-Riżorsi Umani ċċertifikat.

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kelliem Emma

Bħala d-Direttur tal-Programmi ta’ Wara l-Iskola Elementari, Emma tmexxi l-Programm Be Me Afterschool fejn tippjana u toħloq programmazzjoni ta’ arrikkiment u tagħlim ibbażat fuq il-valur għalih

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Shawntae Walden

Shawntae Walden started her career in youth development 10 years ago at the Harlem Children’s Zone. During her time at the Harlem Children’s Zone, she

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