Autor: Editorial Team

Niña con vestido morado comiendo Shavuot en YM&SÍ

Shavuot en la Y

En Junio 12 y 13 La Y observará la festividad judía., Shavuot, la festividad que celebra la entrega de la Torá en el Monte Sinaí,

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Reflecting at Passover at YM&SÍ

Reflecting at Passover

Each year at Passover we celebrate the Jewish people’s deliverance from slavery and captivity in Egypt. At our Seders we retell the story of the

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purim, little kids in costumes at YM&SÍ

Chag Purim Sameach!

Happy Purim! In honor of the Jewish people’s salvation in Ancient Persia, Purim is a holiday of generosity where we celebrate, feast, and rejoice. We

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